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Right to Education

Expressing its deep concern over the fate of two arrested students

Birzeit University Appeals to Human Rights Institutions to Speak out

Written by Right2Edu BZU  •  Thursday, 08.10.2015, 08:36
Student Abdul Rahman Abu Dahab

Expressing its deep concern over the fate of two arrested students
Birzeit University appeals to academic and human rights institutions to speak out against the crimes of the Israeli occupation

Birzeit University expresses its deep concern over the fate of two of its students, arrested on Wednesday October 7, 2015 during a peaceful demonstration at Beit El near Al Bireh, West Bank.

Video footage of the incident shows undercover Israeli police and Israeli soldiers brutally attacking three youths, two of them Birzeit University students. Abdul Rahman Abu Dahab and Ahmed Walid Hamid were beaten viciously while being arrested and then dragged to military vehicles. Additional graphic video shows one undercover police officer shooting Hamid in his thigh at close range before continuing to beat him.

Abu Dahab and Hamid were then handcuffed and left lying injured in the street until they were taken by the military.

Abu Dahab and Hamid were demonstrating along with other students at a peaceful protest organized by Birzeit University students against violations by the occupation and Israel’s escalating aggression against the Palestinian people.

Abu Dahab and Hamid are not the only two students from Birzeit University being detained in the prisons of the Israeli occupier. Scores of students are serving out arbitrary sentences, waiting to regain their freedom to return to university classes.

Birzeit University underscores that the right to education is guaranteed in international law and international practice. The university’s “Right to Education” campaign will not rest until it exposes as false the occupation that markets itself as an oasis of democracy. Birzeit University asks all academic and human rights institutions around the world to speak out against the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation and its violations of the right to education.

Birzeit University also emphasizes that the continuation of such practices by the Israeli occupier against Palestinians and Palestinian students will only enhance the international academic boycott campaign against Israeli institutions that support the occupation.

Student Abdul Rahman Abu Dahab
Student Abdul Rahman Abu Dahab

Student Abdul Rahman Abu Dahab

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