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Right to Education

Posts with category Right 2 Education

“Against Erasure & Greed from Jerusalem to Tulsa & Trail of Tears to Grenfell”

Determined to contribute to the steadfastness of Gaza and Palestinian liberation, Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi will offer her Palestine...
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75 Years on Apartheid in Palestine. 30 Years of Democracy in South Africa

The Right to Education Campaign, partnered with University of Johannesburg invite to a webinar titled: 75 Years of Apartheid, 30 Years...
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On IWD join us on a webinar titled: “Palestine: Genocide, Colonialism, & Feminist Liberation”

The Right to Education Campaign, partnered with AMED (Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas) Studies and Teaching Palestine along...
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The Right to Education

This article was written by CRAIG BIRCKHEAD-MORTON 9:57 PM, DEC 20, 2023 for Yale news. On Dec. 20, the fall semester at...
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A webinar titled: “Gaza Genocide: An Israeli Crime against Humanity”

The Right to Education Campaign, partnered with international human rights organizations and groups invite to a webinar titled:...
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واقع التعليم تحت الاحتلال: هل هو حق أم امتياز؟

“أنقذتُ كتبي…..”، لا أستطيع نسيان هذه الجملة لفتاة من غزة لم...
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Join webinar titled :”Is This Fascism? Resisting New McCarthyism”

Join us on Monday, Nov 27th, from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm PST (12:00 am – 2:00 am Palestine Time) for our panel titled “Is...
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Statement on the Israeli Army’s Attack on Birzeit University Campus and Abduction of BZU Students

The BZU Right to Education Campaign condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent abduction and arrest of eight Birzeit...
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Call to Action Birzeit University Rejects Israeli Measures Against Academic Freedom

Birzeit University rejects Israel’s most recent attempt to constrict the fundamental right of Palestinians to education and to...
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بيان صادر عن جامعة بيرزيت حول إجراءات الاحتلال التعسفية لدخول الأكاديميين الأجانب إلى الضفة الغربية

ترفض جامعة بيرزيت القرار العسكري الإسرائيلي الجديد والجائر بحق الجامعات...
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