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Right to Education

Posts with category Right 2 Education

وسيبقى العلم مرفوعاً… جامعة بيرزيت ترفع علم فلسطين مجدداً بعد أن نزعته قوات الاحتلال

تدين جامعة بيرزيت اقتحام قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي حرمها الجامعي فجر...
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Birzeit University community stands as one against Israeli military raid on campus

At 4:15 a.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 over one-hundred Israeli soldiers broke through the main campus gate, assaulted and...
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Right to Education Week shows importance of knowledge, culture to raise awareness of Palestinian student resistance

A mural that symbolizes Palestinian students’ resistance to the Israeli occupation’s practices, painted inside Birzeit...
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Statement about the Israeli occupation’s arrest of Birzeit University students, faculty members

Since the beginning of the academic year 2019–2020, the number of Birzeit University student arrests has  increased rapidly....
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Right to Education rejects repeated arrests of Birzeit University students

The Right to Education Campaign at Birzeit University expresses grave concern over the repeated Israeli detentions of Birzeit...
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Right to Education Campaign denounces abusive Israeli detentions against Birzeit University students

The Right to Education Campaign expresses grave concern over the repeated detentions of Birzeit University students`. During July and...
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More than 70 students deprived from their right of participation in the student Council election of Birzeit University

  Since 2004, around 900 of Birzeit University students have been arrested by the Israeli occupying forces. Among them are 16...
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Video- Israeli Occupation’s recent violations against Birzeit University

The Israeli occupation continues its breach of academic freedoms, through arresting students, expelling students from the university...
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Israeli forces kidnap university students, storm campus in violation of campus sanctity

On March 26, 2019, in the predawn hours, a group of Israeli operatives disguised as Palestinians abducted three Birzeit University...
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