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Right to Education

Posts with category Right 2 Education

The Right to Education Campaign denounces abusive Israeli measures against Birzeit University Students

The Right to Education Campaign expresses grave concern over the repeated Israeli attacks, assaults, and detentions of Birzeit...
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The Right to Education Campaign denounces arrest of one of its volunteers

The Right to Education Campaign expresses its grave concern over the Israeli Occupying forces arrest to one of the Right to Education...
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Our Students Imprisoned Away from Sunlight

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Day is observed on April 17 of this year – nearly fourty-two days after an undercover Israeli unit...
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Statement from the Right to Education Campaign at Birzeit University, January 2018

Ongoing Israeli Policies to Disrupt and Isolate Palestinian Higher Education

To Members of Global Civil Society and Academia: Birzeit University, a Palestinian institution of higher learning, is currently facing...
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Application to participate in the 2016 Right to Education Tour to USA

The Right to Education Campaign – Birzeit University is preparing for its second tour to U.S.A this year. The tour is being...
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Israeli Army’s Raid on Birzeit University’s Campus

A Statement Regarding Israeli Army’s Raid on Birzeit University’s Campus and Arrest of Students

The Right to Education Campaign – A Statement Regarding Israeli Army’s Raid on Birzeit University’s  Campus and Arrest of...
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Young students and tank

On the MLA and the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions

This evening I gave the following remarks in the second of two special convention sessions on the boycott of Israeli academic...
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The Impact of Colonialism on Education in Palestine

2016 Right to Education Tour

Announcing the 2016 Right to Education Tour! Last year, NSJP and R2E hosted the first ever Right to Education tour through the US,...
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What is Israel’s Education Minister’s outlook in regards to the education of Palestinians?

Naftali Bennett currently serves as Israel’s education minister under Benjamin Netanyahu. Bennett also leads the Orthodox and...
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Schools in the shadows of settlements: Burin

The village of Burin, south of Nablus city, faces ongoing encroachment onto its land by surrounding settlements. In recent years the...
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