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Right to Education

PA Blasts Israeli Education Ministry on East Jerusalem Schools

Written by admin  •  Sunday, 11.09.2005, 09:43

Mrs. Hind Khoury, Palestinian Authority Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, expressed outrage at the Israeli Education Ministry’s accusation that overcrowding in Palestinian schools in Israeli-Occupied East Jerusalem was due to a refusal of Palestinians to sell property for school construction. See related article at:

“The Israelis have managed to find enough land to build not only illegal settlements for over 200,000 settlers in East Jerusalem but also schools for settler children. Are we now supposed to believe that there isn’t enough space for Palestinian schools unless Palestinians give up even more of what little land they have left?” Khoury asked.

Thousands of Palestinian children in Occupied East Jerusalem are prevented from attending school due to overcrowding caused by Israel’s failure to build more classrooms.

Israel has designated approximately 80% of East Jerusalem Palestinian land not already confiscated by Israeli settlements as “green areas”, “non-zoned areas” or “public use areas” on which construction is illegal (even though such land is often privately owned by Palestinians).

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