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Right to Education

Right 2 Education Week: Day Three

Written by admin  •  Wednesday, 13.11.2013, 17:42

Day 3 of international #R2Eweek has a lot to offer from all around the world! Events include:

• University of Manchester Action Palestine are teaming up with Voices from Palestine and holding a video link with An Najah University.

• Skype calls are being held all evening with BZU students and University of Leicester Palestinian Solidarity Society, Stay Human, University of Birmingham Friends of Palestine and University of Manchester Action Palestine.

• NTNU Til Palestina are continuing their photo exhibition.

• Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) at University of British Columbia are holding an information stall.

• University of Leeds Palestine Solidarity Group are hosting a social event and a screening of A Caged Bird’s Song

• Students for Justice in Palestine at Brooklyn College are hosting a talk with Josh Ruebner about US complicity with israel’s occupation and colonization of Palestine

• Goldsmiths, University of London Palestine and Amnesty International societies are coming together to screen Jerusalem’s East Side Story

• University of Wolverhampton Voice of Palestine are hosting a talk with guest speakers on bringing the occupation home.

These are all fantastic events, keep up the good work!

In solidarity,

Right 2 Education Team

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