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Posts tagged with Press release

Student Abdul Rahman Abu Dahab

Expressing its deep concern over the fate of two arrested students

Birzeit University Appeals to Human Rights Institutions to Speak out

Expressing its deep concern over the fate of two arrested students Birzeit University appeals to academic and human rights...
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PA cabinet to support outstanding students

PA Ministers have approved an increase in funds allocated to support outstanding students who excel in the "Tawjihi" -- Palestine's...
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US students erect mock walls to connect struggles

In an effort to connect human rights struggles, students at the University of Arizona constructed a mock wall representing both...
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U.S law school draws fire for disavowing Palestinian rights conference

Officials at the University of California at Hastings College of the Law revealed that they had made a last-minute decision to remove...
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Manchester University Twins with An-Najah

Yesterday, the Student Union of Manchester University passed a motion to twin with An Najah University in Nablus, Occupied Palestine.
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The tired “academic freedom” argument: PACBI response to Nobel laureates’ attack on the academic boycott of Israel

Once again, the specter of the suppression of academic freedom has been invoked in what is now becoming an organized campaign to...
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Press Release from the European Platform for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (EPACBI)

Today marks the establishment of a European co-ordinating organisation for promoting the academic and cultural boycott of Israel,...
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Open letter to international academic institutions from the R2E Campaign

In light of the ongoing Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, the Right to Education Campaign calls upon the international academic...
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No access to consulates, No academic freedom

Letter to American Consulate on behalf of Palestinian academic who was unable to attend a visa interview due to the occupation's...
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Student pepper sprayed after two hours of waiting

R2E Campaign, An-Najah National University , 22 June 2008 Thousands of students endure the daily or weekly humiliation of passing...
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