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Right to Education

UTM, Canada affiliates to R2E Campaign

Written by admin  •  Thursday, 18.12.2008, 14:04

Endorsement by UTM Student Union:

As the lead contact with UTMSU with regards to the campaign, Walied Khogali held an informational workshop open to all UTM student leaders from clubs, the student union and two political parties with regards to the campaign. Over 30 student leaders attended.

When: 28th November 2008
Where: University of Toronto at Mississauga

On 5th December 2008 – Ms. Golta Shahidi and Azada from Students Against Israeli Apartheid made a presentation to the UTM Student Union’s Board of Directors at its 7th Board meeting.

The following motion was endorsed unanimously.

Moved: S. Malik
Seconded: C. Ewin Lewis

Whereas through ongoing monitoring and research on the issues affecting Palestinian education under occupation, as well as building an active campaign network in Palestine and worldwide, the Right to Education Campaign seeks to raise international awareness about the obstruction and denial of education in Palestine and to bring pressure to bear on governments, decision-makers and ultimately the Israeli authorities to guarantee safe and free access of all Palestinians to their educational institutions,

Be it resolved that the UTMSU Board of Directors endorse the Right to Education Campaign.

Participation during Expression against Oppression:

The UTM Student Union has set aside resources for the implementation of the right to education campaign during Expression against Oppression in January 2009. The CAF youth wing has unanimously endorsed the campaign and will provide logistical support for the campaign.

Our allies will also be meeting with other student unions across the GTA to generate support for the campaign.

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