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Right to Education

154,000 Palestinians Of Jerusalem Isolated From The City

Written by admin  •  Thursday, 20.05.2010, 11:10

The Annexation Wall in Abu Dis - Jursalem, Image Palestine Remembered

The al-Quds International Institution reported that the Israeli Authorities are continuing the construction of the annexation wall and Jewish settlements leading to the isolation of more than 154,000 Palestinians of the Jerusalem area from the city itself.

The wall is also obstructing the educational process in several Palestinian educational facilities east of the city as they became isolated behind the wall.

The Institution, based in Beirut, issued a report about education in Jerusalem in 2010 and stated that education holds a significant role in the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially in Jerusalem as Israel wants the Palestinians out of the city.

It added that the harsh social and economical conditions the Palestinians face in Jerusalem, and the illegal Israeli measures against them, are having a direct impact on school students and are pushing more students to quit school, in addition to have an impact on the issue of drug addiction among some residents.

The al-Quds Institution further stated that Israel discriminates between East and West Jerusalem schools, as it provides all sorts of services and financial aid to Jewish school in West Jerusalem, while Palestinians schools in East Jerusalem are struggling to survive.

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