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Right to Education

75 Years on Apartheid in Palestine. 30 Years of Democracy in South Africa


The Right to Education Campaign, partnered with University of Johannesburg invite to a webinar titled:

75 Years of Apartheid, 30 Years of Democracy

Time: Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 14:30- 16:30 PM Palestine time

Please, register here:  

Live record for the event: Book launch: 75 years of Apartheid in Palestine. 30 years of Democracy in South Africa. (

Join us in conversation with Prof Haidar Eid from Gaza, Prof Steven Friedman from UJ, Sundos Hammad and the students Ahmad Sabobeh and Nour Tamimi from BZU, along with other academics, to commemorate human rights day and to show our solidary with the staff and students of Occupied Palestine.

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