Home » Academic voices » A year of Genocide, how did it effect Birzeit University?
خلال عام من حرب الإبادة الجماعية تصاعد استهداف الاحتلال الاسرائيلي للقطاع التعليمي في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة منتهكاً جميع القوانين الدولية والحقوق الانسانية.تستنكر حملة الحق في التعليم استمرار حالات الاعتقال والقتل الممنهجة بحق طلبة الجامعات الفلسطينية، الأمر الذي يحرمهم من ممارسة حقهم في التعليم.
Throughout a year of genocide, the Israeli occupation has intensified its targeting of the educational sector in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, flagrantly violating international laws and human rightsThe Right to Education Campaign condemns the systematic arrests and killing of Palestinian university students, which deprives them of exercising their basic right to education#freethemall#genocide#freepalestine#righttoeducation
A group of British academics have called on singer Elton John to cancel his scheduled performance in Israel this June.
In the letter, the group urged John to read the Goldstone Commission's...
Israel does not explicitly ban importing books to Gaza, but the blockade makes it extraordinarily difficult to do so. The shortage amounts to a kind of censorship, Gazans say.