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Right to Education

Animations produced by ex-detainee children in the West Bank

Written by admin  •  Wednesday, 23.11.2011, 15:07

These short animated films were made by 13 Palestinian ex-detainee children during a workshop at the YMCA in Beit Sahour in July 2011, as part of the “Post-trauma Rehabilitation of Palestinian ex-detainee children in the West Bank Programme”. Through the workshop the children learnt how to use and create animations to discuss their concerns, report on their situation and educate other children and adults about issues important to their lives.  The method used is based on ensuring that the rights of the child are heard, and aims at providing children with a space to discuss and advocate for their rights.The children were responsible for producing all parts of the film with guidance from trainers from Save the Children Sweden.

معاناة الطفل الفلسطيني The suffering of Palestinian Children

In this animation a group of 8 ex-detainee children explore the various rights violations faced by children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the lack of space to play in refugee camps, and the conditions children are subjected to when arrested and detained in Israeli prisons.


حياتنا Our life

In this animation a group of 5 ex-detainee children are advocating for their right to live in a safe environment, to freedom of movement and to education.


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