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Right to Education

Birzeit University mourns student killed by IOF

Written by admin  •  Tuesday, 11.03.2014, 12:50


On the evening of 10 March 2014, Israeli soldiers from the IOF shot and killed Saji Sayel Jarab’a, a 19 year old student from Birzeit University.

Saji Jarab’a is a Media student in his second year at Birzeit University. He was shot while on his way to feed the family’s cattle. However, the IOF forces claimed that he was throwing stones at settlers on the bypass road leading to the illegal settlement Giv’at Asaf near Ramallah.

After being shot his body was seized for an hour before the ambulance could get to him. Now Saji Sayel Jarab’a is the 26th martyr from Birzeit University.

His funeral was held on 11 March 2014, and the body was brought to the University first where mass demonstrations illustrated the student body’s grief.


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