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Right to Education

British MP’s support the right to education in Palestine

Written by admin  •  Saturday, 12.03.2005, 12:06

98 British MPs, incuding the former Minister for International Development, Clare Short, have signed an Early Day Motion in the UK Parliament in support of the Right to Education in Palestine.

“That this House expresses its concern regarding Israel’s deportation to Gaza of four Palestinian students at Birzeit University in the West Bank; notes that these Gazan students have not been accused of any offence; rejects as illegal the condition imposed by the Israeli military authorities that any resumption of their studies would be dependent on the students agreeing to return permanently to Gaza on graduation; is concerned that the illegal separation of the West Bank from the Gaza Strip exacerbates the existing barriers to Palestinian education and development; and urges the UK Government to insist that the government of Israel adheres to its legal obligations to allow unimpeded access for all Palestinian to their educational institutions.”

Please ask your MP to sign Early Day Motion 819 on the Palestinian Right to Education and to write to the British Government to insist that the Israeli authorities allow the four students and all Palestinians unimpeded access to their classes. Write to your MP at House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA or call the Commons Switchboard on 020 7219 3000. To find your MP visit

Check which MPs have signed the motion at

For further information please contact Friends of Birzeit University in the UK:

Friends of Birzeit University
1 Gough Square
London EC4A 3DE
Tel: 020 7832 1340
Fax: 020 7832 1349

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