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Right to Education

CALL TO ACTION: Right to Education International Week of Action – 15th-22nd November 2010

Written by admin  •  Tuesday, 14.09.2010, 10:13

CALL TO ACTION: Right to Education International Week of Action – 15th-22nd November 2010
CALL TO ACTION, Right to Education Campaign, 14 September 2010
CALL TO ACTION: Right to Education International Week of Action
15th-22nd November 2010

We demand that Palestinian rights are recognised.

We demand that the international community insist on Israel’s compliance with international law.

We now call upon student groups who stand in solidarity with the struggle for Palestinian rights to participate in the Right to Education International Week of Action, a vision which emerged from the recent Right to Education International Student Conference.

A primary goal of the Week of Action is to allow Palestinian students and academics a platform to share knowledge and experience of the Palestinian struggle for education and to call for an end to the denial of Palestinian educational rights as an objective of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

To participate in the week, receive additional information, materials or advice, or to submit ideas for the Week of Action, please contact the Right to Education Campaign – Birzeit University.

Right to Education Campaign
Birzeit University
West Bank – Palestine

Urgent action for Palestinian school children from Tuba and Maghaer-al-Abeed
Morgantini, Luisa, Press Release , 8 April 2009
The Palestinian school children who have to walk from their villages of Tuba and Magaher-al-Abeed to their nearest school in At-Tuwani face a treacherous daily walk past the illegal Israeli settlement of Ma’on and the illegal outpost of Havat Ma’on. They face daily threats and attacks from armed settlers from these illegal settlements. This is a call to action – see what you can do to pressurise the Israeli government to fulfill its responsibility of protecting these school children.

University of Rochester’s show of solidarity with Gaza
Kyle Brown, Socialist , 9 February 2009
STUDENTS AT the University of Rochester (UR) and their supporters from the community occupied a campus building February 6 in solidarity with the victims of Israel’s siege of and massacre in Gaza–and in a matter of half a day declared victory after winning important concessions from the administration.

Open letter to U.S academics on Gaza from American academics teaching in Middle East
Rania Masri, Marcy Newman , 10 January 2009
Rania Masri and Marcy Newman are American professors teaching in the Middle East. Read their open letter to American academics calling for them to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign and the academic boycott of Israel.

Update on Omar Qassis
R2E Campaign , Birzeit University , 29 September 2008
Omar Qassis is a Birzeit University student who was detained under Administrative Detention in March 2008. Omar’s release date was 31st July 2008. The R2E Campaign launched an urgent appeal in July 2008, calling for Omar’s release. Read an update on his situation here.

Amnesty International’s Call to Action on Students Trapped in Gaza
Urgent Action, Amnesty International , 14 August 2008
Some 400 Palestinian students may lose their university places and scholarships unless the Israeli authorities allow them to leave the Gaza Strip before the new academic year, which starts in the next few weeks. Read Amnesty International’s Call to Action which gives information on who you can write to in order to pressure the Israeli authorities to immediately allow the hundreds of students to leave Gaza to pursue their studies in universities abroad, and to guarantee that they will be able to return to Gaza.

Campaign Call for International Action
Call to Action, Right to Education Campaign, 24 July 2005
The Right to Education Campaign at Birzeit Univerity calls on trade unions, education institutions, organizations and social and political movements around the world to affiliate to the Right to Education Campaign and support students, teachers and education in Palestine.

Amnesty International Takes on Case of Birzeit University Student
Call to Action, Right to Education Campaign, 5 February 2005
Amnesty International’s campaign against Israel’s use of administrative detention (imprisonment without charge or trial) has taken on the case of BirzeitUniversity student, Khader Qados. Khader, a student of Civil Engineering at Birzeit University, has been imprisoned without charge, trial, or access to any information relating to his case for over two years, in contravention of international law which explicitly states that “no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention”.

Let the People Live! Let the Children Learn!
Call to Action, Gush Shalom, 13 September 2004
The wall seriously disrupts the recently begun school year. Educational institutions in A-Ram and in its vicinity are on the verge of being closed down, as the wall prevents the students and the teachers from reaching them.

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