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Right to Education

CALL TO ACTION: Right to Education International Week of Action – 15th-22nd November 2010

Written by admin  •  Monday, 18.10.2010, 17:33

CALL TO ACTION: Right to Education International Week of Action
15th-22nd November 2010
We demand that Palestinian rights are recognised.

We demand that the international community insist on Israel’s compliance with international law.

We demand that Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is applied to the education of Palestinians as it should be applied without prejudice to any other citizen of the world.

Since the 1970’s the Right to Education Campaign has worked towards the realization of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Article 26, that states, “Everyone has the right to education”. We now call upon student groups who stand in solidarity with the struggle for Palestinian rights to participate in the Right to Education International Week of Action, a vision which emerged from the recent Right to Education International Student Conference held on the 27th – 28th of July at Birzeit University, Palestine.

A primary goal of the Week of Action is to allow Palestinian students and academics a platform to share knowledge and experience of the Palestinian struggle for education and to call for an end to the denial of Palestinian educational rights as an objective of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. These events may include a speaking tour by Palestinian students, documentary screenings, stunts and visuals, demonstrations, lectures and discussions and video conferences with students in Palestine.
The Week of Action will include a unified Day of Action (November 16th, 2010), during which all student groups participating in the call will take part in a common event or demonstration on their respective campuses (details TBA).
To participate in the week, receive additional information, materials or advice, or to submit ideas for the Week of Action, please contact the Right to Education Campaign – Birzeit University.

Right to Education Campaign
Birzeit University
West Bank – Palestine
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