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Posts with category Activism

Archbishop Desmond Tutu to UC Berkeley: Divesting is the right thing to do

Archbishop Desmond Tutu defends the UC Berkeley Divestment Bill in an open letter. He compared the occupied Palestinian territories...
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Book about Palestinian girl causing controversy in Canadian schools

A children's novel about a Palestinian girl living amidst the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has ignited controversy in Canada's Jewish...
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Press Release from USACBI in Solidarity with International Global Day of Action for Palestine

In solidarity with the International Global Day of Action for Palestine, the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of...
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Berkeley student council divests from US companies for their role in Israel’s occupation of Palestine

For the first time in the University of California history, the UC Berkeley student senate has approved a bill to divest from two US...
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UC Berkeley student senate votes in favor of divestment

The University of California Berkeley Student Senate (ASUC) passed a bill to divest from companies that provide military support for...
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Israeli Apartheid Week: Clearing the Air

Brian Latour provides a moving justification for Israeli Apartheid Week and for the labelling of Israel as an apartheid state in...
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Showdown for human rights in Berkeley

An American Jew of Israeli decent and member of CODEPINK Women for Peace discusses the override vote on the UC Berkeley Divestment...
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Havard students taking a stance against racism

A representative group of students from different fields of the Harvard University is alarmed by the racist and inhumane comments of...
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Israeli Apartheid Week

While families in Gaza continue to mourn and rebuild from the latest massacre perpetrated by the Israeli state, students and community...
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Israel boycott campaign tours UK universities

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions in the UK is launching a tour of British universities with Palestinian organisations...
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