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Right to Education

Posts with category Education Denied

The Dangerous Road to Education – Palestinian students suffer under settler violence, military negligence

Operation Dove (Nonviolent Peace Corps of Association "Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII") and Christian Peacemaker Teams announce the...
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Is this not racism? – attacks on Arab students in Israel

Despite relentless evidence that Israeli society is racist to the core, the world outside keeps silent, writes Saleh Al-Naami. One...
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Adalah petitions Supreme Court to compel Education Ministry to open elementary school in unrecognized Arab bedouin village of Sawaween in the Naqab

On 8 December 2010, Adalah petitioned the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf of 70 school children and their parents from the...
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Israeli soldiers detain five Palestinian schoolboys in Tuba

Israeli soldiers have detained five Palestinian schoolboys in Tuba, claiming that the children were throwing stones. soldiers drove...
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Palestine: Education at Gunpoint

Ramzy Baroud is an internationally-syndicated columnist and the editor of, writes about education in Palestine....
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In Palestine, Occupational Hazards

It's late May, and I'm sitting in a stylish apartment furnished with Palestinian antiques, dining with colleagues from Birzeit and...
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School’s out: why Gazans can’t reach class in the West Bank

Gaza -- When Israel announced in June, following its deadly interception of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, that it would ease its siege on...
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Gazans missing out on school

In Gaza, 40,000 students have been unable to start school this year because there are not enough buildings to accomodate them. The...
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Children of Jahalin get innovative school

This year the Palestinian Bedouin children of Jahalin have a new school building built of bamboo. The new ‘desert school’ of the...
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A snapshot of school days in the west bank: Settlers torch, vandalize Nablus school

A group of Israeli settlers broke into school in the Nablus district on Wednesday, setting fire to its storehouse containing furniture...
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