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Right to Education

Posts with category Voice of the Student

Reclaiming Political Space: The Global Resonance of the Student Intifada

Ghaid Hijaz – Student Volunteer at Right to Education campaign- Birzeit University This article was originally published at (The...
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A call from Palestinian Higher Education institutions- Do not be Silent during Israel’s Unfolding Genocide

A Unified Call for Justice and Freedom in Palestine

We, the undersigned Palestinian higher education institutions from occupied Palestine unite in a call for justice, humanity, and an...
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International Day of Action for Gaza Students a World-Wide Success

On Sunday, November 19, 2023, global activities unfolded to highlight the International Day of Action for Academic Freedom for Gaza...
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Webinar titled: “Palestine Unveiled”

‏Ever wonder how the lives of Palestinians have been affected since the occupation? There is no better way to learn than from people...
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Right to Education Campaign hosts delegation from Fobzu Palestine-UK Academics Links Seminar (PALS)

On Monday, June 26, 2023, a delegation from the Fobzu Palestine-UK Academics Links Seminar (PALS) visited Birzeit University to learn...
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حملة الحق في التعليم تنظم زيارة لمدرسة المجاز الأساسية المختلطة في مسافر يطا

نظمت حملة الحق في التعليم التابعة لمكتب العلاقات العامة في جامعة بيرزيت...
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Birzeit University hosts students from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, University of Virginia, Harvard University, and New York University

In the past two weeks, Birzeit University hosted students from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, the University of Virginia, New...
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Right to Education Campaign and BDS organize conference, launch Israeli Apartheid Week

On March 13, 2023, the Right to Education Campaign at Birzeit University held a conference titled “Students’ Struggle in and for...
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