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Edinburgh students stop Israel’s racist tours

Written by admin  •  Wednesday, 02.02.2011, 11:05

Ishmael Khaldi, Israeli government adviser to extreme racist Avigdor Lieberman, was prevented from presenting his propaganda at Edinburgh University yesterday (2 Feb 2011).

His speech had to be clandestinely scheduled at the last minute for fear of attracting protest, and justifiably.

As soon as he began his speech, entitled “Is Israel a racist state”, around 50 of the 70 or so present rose from their seats and made their way to the stage.

Students made it clear that with over 60 years of Israel boycotting the human and national rights of the Palestinians, Israeli apologists for murder and ethnic cleansing did not deserve the right to free speech that they denied the Palestinians.

The students pointed out that Israel wants nothing more than continued “dialogue”; the kind of dialogue that expects everything of the indigenous Palestinians, and nothing from the racist colonising state – the Palestine Papers make this abundantly clear.

After more than an hour of hiding behind his bodyguards, Khaldi gave up, leaving the room to chants of “Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio.”

Israel has had its chance to “dialogue” and it abused it.

When Palestine is free, perhaps Edinburgh University’s Psychology Society can invite Khaldi to explain what was going through his mind when he practiced and promoted Apartheid.

Until then, no university society should tarnish its reputation by providing a platform to Khaldi or any other ambassadors of crime.

Well done to Edinburgh University Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) for organising a fantastic protest at very short notice.

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