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Right to Education

Essex students support for Gaza

Written by admin  •  Saturday, 17.01.2009, 10:53


Since 6.30pm on Friday 16th January, students at The University of Essex have taken control of the LTB, and are making demands to the University. Those demands are outlined below. Some of these demands have been met, such as a commitment from the University to send any surplus resources it may have to the University of Gaza, which was bombed to pieces by Israel. However, The University has not made enough commitments and the occupation has continued. We must continue until the University ecognises the scale of the disaster in Palestine and takes a strong position in favour of humanity.


Our Demands to the University:

1. The University of Essex should release a statement condemning the Israeli attack on Gaza which has killed over 1000 people in the last 2 and a half weeks

2. The University of Essex must provide 5 full scholarships to students from Palestine, beginning the next academic year. At a University with such a diverse student body, Palestinian students are hugely unrepresented when compared with other groups.

3. The University of Essex administration should facilitate a ‘fundraising day’ where buckets will be in every lecture and seminar to collect money for the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians. [1]

4. The University of Essex should help to rebuild the University of Gaza, which was bombed 6 times on the 28th December 2008.[1] It should send any surplus books, computers or other resources as a way of helping the suffering students and staff in Gaza.

5. Finally, any and every student involved in this campaign will not face victimisation or reprisals as a result of their work. Students have a right to protest and voice their opinions through peaceful means. A university should in fact encourage freedom of expression.

Lectures resume on Monday morning, therefore we have to ensure that every person spends Sunday night in occupation, in order to force the University to agree to our demands. Please invite all your friends to get a maximum turn-out, and prove that a strong stand for peace and justice across the world.

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