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Right to Education

Faculty 4 Palestine condemns Israeli bombing of Islamic University and massacre in Gaza

Written by admin  •  Monday, 05.01.2009, 10:01

Faculty for Palestine condemns the bombing of the Islamic University of Gaza and we express our solidarity with colleagues, university workers and students in Gaza. It is disgraceful that the Israeli government has tried to justify its attacks by calling the university a legitimate military target; as faculty, we believe that it is the
right of students and professors to attend classes in peace. We also express our solidarity with all Palestinians, and our outrage at the Israeli massacre in Gaza.

We call on all Canadian university presidents to immediately condemn these attacks in the strongest terms.

Occupation is the root cause of the conflict. We demand an end to Israel’s illegal military occupation of Palestine and we call on the Canadian government to implement sanctions against the Israeli government until it ceases its assault on the people of Gaza and fully complies with international law.

* Faculty for Palestine (F4P) is a pan-Canadian network of faculty (tenured, contract, retired, visiting), and currently has members in 31 universities and 4 colleges. We are committed to extending free speech in post-secondary institutions in Canada regarding the conditions faced by Palestinians, the apartheid-nature of the Israeli state, and the intellectual and educational implications of these conditions and practices. We also support discussion and debate around the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. This includes the call for academic boycott of Israeli institutions free from
institutional suppression and sanctions.

F4P is a committee of the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) and can be reached at

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