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Right to Education

Hebron University students injured at rally mourning Gaza dead clashes with Israeli forces

Written by admin  •  Friday, 29.12.2006, 00:00

Hebron, Ma’an News Agency, 29 December 2006

The student council at the Hebron University organized a demonstration to condemn Israeli violence against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip Monday afternoon. The demonstration march became a clash with Israeli troops and nine students were injured.

Hundreds of students gathered for a press conference on the university campus where student leaders delivered speeches condemning the attacks.

The students called on factions to unify and reconcile so they could best support Gaza in its dark hours.

The demonstrators lifted banners and slogans calling on the world to break the silence and call for an end to the tragedy in Gaza. Many students carried black flags to mark the mourning period for the now over 300 dead.

“Mourning is not staying at home and keeping the silence, but touring the streets, lifting our banners high and shouting to the world that we condemn Israeli practices”, said Head of the Student Council Muhannad Amro.

Demonstrators marched through the streets students and angry slogans and chanting lead to clashes with the Israeli troops who guard more than 700 settlers living in Hebron’s city center. Nine students were injured as the rally marched past Hebron’s Bab Az-Sawiyah, and dozens of others choked on tear gas fired on them by Israeli troops.

As the rally passed near the illegal Israeli settlements dotting the city center and south-western outskirts some demonstrators threw stones at the settlement. Israeli troops opened fire on the demonstrators.

Hebron is observing the second day of a general strike to commemorate and mourn the Gaza dead.

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