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Israel boycott campaign tours UK universities

Written by admin  •  Tuesday, 09.03.2010, 13:55

Israel boycott campaign tours UK universities

London : The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions in the UK (ICAHD-UK) is launching a tour of British universities with Palestinian organisations next week to extend the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.

Professor of Anthropology Jeff Halper, co-founder of ICAHD, is joining Palestinian journalist and writer Ghada Karmi, to discuss how to achieve similar global action that helped to end the apartheid regime in South Africa.

Organisations supporting the tour include Action Palestine, Campaigning for Palestinian Rights on Campus, British Committee for Universities for Palestine (Bricup), and the Greenbelt Festival as well as Jews for Justice for Palestinians.

The tour starts next Monday at Exeter University in south-west England before moving onto Birmingham in central England, Gasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland, Bradford in northern England and ending at SOAS in London on March 20.

In addition, Halper is also speaking on “Repression in Israel: what can be done?” at West Central Liberal Synagogue in the British capital.

ICAHD, which also has a branch in the US, was originally established as a non-violent, direct-action group to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the occupied territories.

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