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Right to Education

Israel Undermines Higher Education in Gaza (GISHA)

Written by admin  •  Monday, 03.03.2008, 11:18

Gisha, The Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, reports that hundreds of university students in Gaza who need to travel abroad to continue their higher education, are effectively trapped within the Gaza Strip due to Israel’s ongoing control of Gaza’s borders and the severe restrictions on movement imposed on Gaza’s residents. Since 2007, students in Gaza have been unable to leave due to Israel blocking all human traffic into and out of the Gaza strip, and since 2002, Israel has refused to issue permits to students wishing to study in the West Bank. Meanwhile the higher education system inside Gaza is unable to meet the needs of its residents as the population of young people vastly out-numbers the capacity of its universities. The Israeli government is therefore denying Gaza students of their right to education.

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