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Right to Education

Israeli forces round up youth in Jayyous school, arresting 65

Written by admin  •  Wednesday, 18.02.2009, 13:14

The northwestern West Bank town of Jayyous is under siege Wednesday. Beginning early this morning Israeli forces imposed curfew on the northeastern Qalqilia town and stormed nearby Tulkarem.

Soldiers launched a large-scale raid of dozens of homes and overtook rooftops in Jayyous as sniper and observation posts.

At the same time the Israelis conducted a major round up of young people, forcing them into a Jayyous school.

Witnesses told PNN via telephone that at least 25 military vehicles suddenly stormed the town this morning and imposed a curfew keeping students home from school and residents away from work. Seventy-five Israeli soldiers came on foot.

Some 65 people have been arrested and taken out of town in military vehicles after the first phase of interrogation in the schoolyard. Among those arrested is the Youth Committee of the Stop the Wall Campaign and the Mayor’s son. Members of the nonviolent resistance movement report that repression has been up duing the past two weeks in the town and are calling on widespread participation in a demonstration on Friday.

The center of town was hit the hardest by todayÂ’s invasion, report witnesses. Seized houses include that of Mayor Abu Al Tahir who was photographed. Several families were forced from their homes at gunpoint. Israeli soldiers have entirely taken over 10 houses and planted Israeli flags on the rooftops.

The main routes adjacent to the town have been sealed off including Kafriyat Road which connects the Tulkarem and Qalqilia governorates. Several other roads are blocked with dirt.

Every Friday residents of Jayyous and foreign supporters hold a nonviolent demonstration against the Wall which encircles the town.

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