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Israeli military jeep runs over Jenin teen, killing him

Written by admin  •  Thursday, 01.10.2009, 00:00

Israeli military jeep runs down Jenin teen, killing him

A seventeen-year-old student was killed on Wednesday morning when an Israeli military jeep ran him over near the West Bank city of Jenin.

According to witnesses, Foad Mahmoud Nayif Turkman, 17, was standing with other students outside Izz Ad-Din Al-Qassam high school in the village of Ya’bad, West of Jenin at 11am.

Mohammed Naiyf, Turkman’s uncle and a teacher at the school, said he saw army forces “came onto the road of the school. This road is especially for the school.”

“The jeep was driving fast towards a group of students. The jeep ran over [Turkman’s] body with all four wheels, and then backed up and drove over him again. Then the soldiers wouldn’t allow us to get Foad for about 15 minutes,” he added.

Turkman was then taken to Jenin government hospital where he was eventually declared dead.

After Turkman was run over dozens of schoolchildren protested, throwing stones at Israeli soldiers, who responded with tear gas grenades. According to Nayif, soldiers also threw gas grenades into the school itself. Dozens of children chocked on the gas.

An Israeli military spokesperson said that rocks were thrown at a routine military patrol near the settlement of Mevo Dotan. In addition, the spokesperson said that the jeep had experience mechanical difficulties.

The military also denied that it delayed the evacuation of Turkoman’s body, and in fact offered to transport the badly injured student to an Israeli hospital. Turkoman’s condition did not allow this, the spokesperson said, and he was taken to Jenin in a private Palestinian vehicle.

The military spokesperson also said an investigation into the incident is “ongoing,” and added that “hundreds” of stone-throwing Palestinians were “rioting” in the area.

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