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Right to Education

‘It is a battle every day!’

Written by admin  •  Sunday, 09.04.2006, 16:06

Abu Baha, Stop the Wall Campaign, 9 April 2006

‘It is a battle every day!’ – Abu Baha, headmaster of the boy’s high school in Anata.

Stop The Wall asked headmaster, Abu Baha, what had happened to the school since the Apartheid Wall was built in Anata.

‘The situation escalated with the beginning of this school year, on the1st of September 2005. The Occupation Forces started digging in the schoolyard to build the Wall through it. Every day clashes took place between the students, the Soldiers and the workers that built the wall. The Occupation Soldiers repeatedly attacked the school, beat or arrested teachers and students. They have even threatened to close the school, or to force us to move to another place.

When the students have their morning break, the Soldiers walk in the yard or in the school to provoke the students. Then the students start throwing stones while the Soldiers launch tear gas and beat them. The daily battle starts…’

Read the full account of education under occupation in the East Jerusalem town of Anata on Community Voices, Stop The Wall Campaign ‘It’s a Battle Everyday’

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