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Right to Education

Italian student banned from entry to Palestine

Written by admin  •  Saturday, 24.01.2015, 18:55

The Erasmus program is one that is designed to allow students from all over the world to study abroad in Universities of their choice depending on the program they want to study and their ability to enroll in such a program, and Birzeit University is one of the universities in that program.
Recently an Italian student successfully obtained a scholarship from the Erasmus program to study at Birzeit University after her very hard work in preparing all the needed documents and applying for the adequate program she was accepted to study at Birzeit University.
As it is known anyone who wishes to enter the Palestinian soil must go through either the Tel Aviv borders or the Jordanian borders which are under the Israeli occupation control, so the student M.B was planning to enter through the Jordanian borders and when she got there she was detained for hours during which she was humiliated and interrogated about irrelevant facts of her life.
Eventually after the many hours of waiting and humiliation the student was denied entry in a clear violation to the right to education in Palestine and in an obvious obstruction to the educational process which prevents students from coming to study in Palestinian universities.
We in the right to education campaign denounce such acts of intellectual terrorism and we ask the competent authorities to stand behind this student and many others who face blocking each time they want to come to Palestine and Birzeit University to study anything of their free choice.
This is not the first violation that we face against our right to education and it is a continuation of the occupation’s violations to the right to education.

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