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Right to Education

London School of Economics Boycotts Israeli Company

Written by admin  •  Thursday, 24.03.2011, 11:09

Palestinian Society demonstrators on the steps of the London School of Economics building, urging boycottPhoto: Robyn Rosen,

Eden Springs, a major water supply company will not have its contract renewed by the London School of Economics. This development comes off the back of a lengthy, high profile and controversial campaign launched by the LSE Students’ Union Palestine Society, which has drawn attention to Eden Springs’ odious business dealings in the Illegally Occupied Golan Heights. The LSE joins a number of UK Universities, including Edinburgh and Strathyclyde, whom have successfully cut all ties with Eden Springs.

The student campaign has been supported by academics, with over 19 LSE Academics, signing a joint letter which calls upon the School to terminate its links with Eden Springs “forthwith”.

Zachariah Sammour, President of the LSE SU Palestine Society, said “I’m delighted with the incredible pace of progress on this campaign and the widespread support it’s received from the students and academics of the LSE. I believe the success of this campaign demonstrates the deep commitment of LSE staff and students to ethical investment and global justice.

All academic departments formerly using Eden Springs as their water supplier have agreed not to renew their contracts, confirmation of which was received this past Friday.  The development is being hailed as a landmark victory for the wider Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israeli companies, a campaign aimed at undermining the structural mechanisms that make the illegal Israeli Occupation possible.

Ashok Kumar, Education Officer of the LSE Students Union, speaking in his personal capacity said, “This is a monumental victory for human rights because it understands, as with South Africa, the direct linkages between profiteering companies and a State that violates international law. Indeed, this is the first step in a long journey for the LSE.”

Students at the LSE will continue to pursue a Campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli companies who continue to feed the machinery of Occupation.

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