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Right to Education

LSE Occupied by students in support of Gaza

Written by admin  •  Saturday, 17.01.2009, 10:04


At 3pm Thursday 15th January the Old Theatre was occupied. We are a coalition of LSE students from many different backgrounds. Our aims are to raise awareness of the ongoing massacre in Gaza and the LSE’s complicity in this. Despite supposedly being a progressive university, the LSE has refused to issue a statement condemning the attack or the bombing of the University in Gaza or divest from BAE Systems, a firm that arms Israel.

SOAS University went into occupation three days ago demanding similar concessions. Last night, the SOAS administration agreed to all their demands and the occupation has now ended.

In a motion to the Student’s Union General Meeting yesterday students overwhelmingly voted to condemn the Israeli massacre in Gaza. It is time to act collectively and demand the LSE administration listen to the demands of

Over 1000 Palestinians have been killed in the most recent attacks on Gaza – a third of them children. Yesterday ANOTHER school and hospital was bombed.

A university founded on principles of social justice should not be connected with such blatant human rights atrocities.

No damage will be inflicted upon the property – this is a peaceful protest.

The occupation is run democratically with regular meetings.


1. Statement
The LSE should release a statment condemning the attacks by Israel and continued denial of Palestinian rights to education. The University in Gaza and numerous schools have been bombed.

2. Divestment
The LSE currently holds investments in BAE Systems, a firm that the Campaign Against the Arms Trade states provides weapons and ammunitiion for the Israeli military. The LSE must divest from BAE immediately.

3. Five full scholarships for Palestinian students
At University a diverse and international as LSE, Palestinian students are grossly underrepresented in the student body when compared to other groups.

4. Fundraising day
The LSE administration should facilitate a ‘fundraising day’ where buckets will be in every lecture and seminar to collect money for the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians.

5. Books and computers
The LSE has a 26 million pound surplus and is lucky enough to be able to regularly invest in new equipment. Any computers or books due to be disposed at the end of Lent and summer terms should be donated to the University and
to schools that have been bombed in Gaza.

6. Amnesty
LSE has a proud history of student activism. Students united to campaign against apartheid, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and more recently around divestment from the arms trade. All students have a democratic right to peaceful protest and students should not be prevented from expressing their opinions by fear of reprisals.

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