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Right to Education

Message from Fulbright scholar to Free Gaza boats

Written by admin  •  Sunday, 24.08.2008, 10:49

Zohair Abu Shaban, Free Gaza Movement, 24 August 2008

Dear Friends,

I’m one of the three Fulbrighters deprived from practicing their natural right to access to education due to the Israeli policy to deny exit for most students. I was so pleased to learn that you planned to get us out of Gaza in your return way. I hoped I can do that if my visa was still valid, but unfortunately, after Israel intervened and pressed US to cancel my visa (with other two friends), the situation is getting worse and more difficult.

Anyway, it’s really brave position to insist on penetrating the the sea to come to Gaza and break the siege making no value for the threats and obstacles the Israeli Occupation places in your way. I wish you can make it and deliver your kind message to the world that there are 1.5 million people under tight siege, that violate all human and international norms, so that we will see an end to this unfair blockade that causes death for patient people and deprives student from getting education.

Hold in there. Eager to meet you all in Gaza some near day.

Kind regards,

Zohair M. Abu Shaban

BSc Electrical Engineering

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