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Right to Education

Mother presents son’s MA project after he is detained by soldiers

Written by admin  •  Thursday, 07.06.2012, 14:06

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — At around 2 a.m. on May 23, Nidal Izziden Fattash finally finished preparing to present his MA degree project to the An-Najah University committee.Hours before the presentation was due, Israeli forces stormed the dormitories of the Nablus university and arrested Nidal. They handcuffed him and took him to a prison. His dream was about to be crushed.Just after dawn prayers, Nidal’s family in Salfit received a phone call to inform them of their son’s detention.

Nidal’s mother, a school principal, had helped her son throughout his MA degree, and knew the subject of his research well.

“It had been three weeks since I’d seen Nidal, he had been engaged and busy working on his final project which forced him to stay at the university in Nablus. I kept in touch with him through Facebook and phone calls,” she said.

After finding out about his arrest, Nidal’s mother headed to work with thoughts racing through her head.

After consulting with the university administration and several teachers, she decided to represent her son by presenting his final MA project to the university committee.

With a confident voice and sheer determination, Nidal’s mother discussed her son’s final project and answered all of the committee’s questions on the subject.

She was later told by the university that Nidal had passed his presentation and successfully obtained his MA degree.

“I did this for Nidal in revenge against the Israeli occupation, who tried to crush my son’s happiness, and to deliver a message to the whole world that there is a strong Palestinian will which can’t be conquered,” she said.

Nidal’s father applauded his wife for helping their son pass his MA, despite being imprisoned.

The MA project focused on the socio-economic factors that affect the choice of degree subject for undergraduate students.

Nidal is still being held by Israeli forces. The charges against him are unknown.


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