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Three Birzeit students were beaten by Israeli soldiers today and 7 others received medical treatment after being badly affected by tear gas fired at the university campus by Israeli Occupation Army soldiers.
On Wednesday, May 5, 2004 at 2.30pm, for the fourth time in as many weeks, an Israeli Occupation Army jeep pulled up to the Western Gate entrance of Birzeit University provoking students and faculty as they were leaving the campus. The Israeli Army soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets at students who threw rocks at the Jeep. Three cars parked at the gate were damaged in the process. The jeep descended to the Eastern Gate where it continued to fire shots and tear gas from a distance at University buildings.
3 students attempting to leave the campus were stopped by the jeep and were punched in the face by one of the soldiers. Two of the students ran away and the last was picked up by the ambulance and taken to the University clinic to receive dressings for his face. Seven students badly affected by the tear gas were also taken to the University clinic, including a female student who fainted on the campus from the after-affects of the tear gas. Another student burnt his hand trying to push a tear gas canister out of the way of students on the campus.
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