On Friday the 24th of September the above petition appeared in South Africa's national weekly newspaper, the Mail&Guardian
On Wednesday, the 29th of September 2010, the University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) Senate will decide whether to end its relationship with the Israeli institution, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), on the grounds of BGU’s direct support and collaboration with the Israeli military and occupation. To date, over 200 South African academics from 22 institutions have signed a statement in support of the call to terminate the agreement. Signatories and supporters include Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Professors Kader Asmal, Allan Boesak, Breyten Breytenbach, John Dugard, Antjie Krog and Barney Pityana.
On Friday the 24th of September a petition appeared in South Africa’s national weekly newspaper, the Mail&Guardia. The full text of the petition below:
As members of the academic community of South Africa, a country with a history of brute racism on the one hand and both academic acquiescence and resistance to it on the other, we write to you with deep concern regarding the relationship between the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). The relationship agreement, presented as ‘merely the continuation’ of a ‘purely scientific co-operation’ is currently being reviewed owing to concerns raised by UJ students, academics and staff.
For reasons explained below and detailed in the attached
Fact Sheet, we wish to add our voices to those calling for the suspension of UJ’s agreement with BGU.
As academics we acknowledge that all of our scholarly work takes place within larger social contexts – particularly in institutions committed to social transformation. South African institutions are under an obligation to revisit relationships forged during the apartheid era with other institutions that turned a blind eye to racial oppression in the name of ‘purely scholarly’ or ‘scientific work’.
The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories has had disastrous effects on access to education for Palestinians. While Palestinians are not able to access universities and schools, Israeli universities produce the research, technology, arguments and leaders for maintaining the occupation. BGU is no exception, by maintaining links to both the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) and the arms industry BGU structurally supports and facilitates the Israeli occupation. An example of BGU’s complicity is its agreement with the IDF to provide full university qualification to airforce pilots within a special BGU programme. Furthermore, BGU is also complicit in the general discrimination at Israeli universities against Palestinians and Palestinian citizens of Israel.
It is clear to us that any connection with an institution so heavily vested in the Israeli occupation would amount to collaboration with an occupation that denigrates the values and principles that form the basis of any vibrant democracy. These are not only the values that underpin our post-apartheid South Africa, but are also values that we believe UJ has come to respect and uphold in the democratic era.
We thus support the decision taken by UJ to reconsider the agreement between itself and BGU. Furthermore, we call for the relationship to be suspended until such a time that, at minimum, the state of Israel adheres to international law and BGU, (as did some South African universities during the struggle against South African apartheid) openly declares itself against the occupation and withdraws all privileges for the soldiers who enforce it.
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