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Right to Education

Strike cripples education in occupied West Bank

Written by admin  •  Wednesday, 24.10.2012, 09:23

The Palestinian Teachers’ Union has gone on strike in protest at the delay in the payment of salaries. Classes in all public schools and universities have been disrupted. The union’s General Secretariat said that the strike will last two days and end on Wednesday evening. Thousands of Palestinian students, teachers and university lecturers are taking part in the protest.

The president of the PTU, Amjad Barham, explained that the strike was also called following the failure of talks between the union and the administration of the University and Higher Education Council. The union has called for an increased cost of living allowance for its members, tax-free status for the end of service lump sum and an end to the ban on teachers’ bonuses.

The Public Employees’ Union, meanwhile, has announced a general strike which will hit government offices and departments, including ministries. The strike is in protest against the economic policies adopted by the government of Salam Fayyad.

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