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Right to Education

Student solidarity for Palestinians’ ‘Right to Education’

Written by admin  •  Wednesday, 06.11.2013, 10:21
November 6 2013
Birzeit, Occupied Palestinian Territories

Student solidarity for Palestinian’s ‘Right to Education’

Student groups around the world are hosting events this month in order to raise awareness of the restrictions on the right to education in Palestine. The student-run Right to Education Campaign, based at Birzeit University in the West Bank, has partnered with university groups to organise global events which will take place during the annual Right to Education Week, from 11-15 November.

Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that ‘Everyone has the right to education’ but the nature of the military occupation in Palestine intrudes upon this. EPPI reported that in the first half of 2013, 13,064 students were affected by access denial whilst UNICEF identified evidence of Palestinian students being attacked by Israeli settlers in the West Bank.

The events during Right to Education Week will involve specifically tailored lectures, debates, and exhibitions that hope to further discussions on the situation of education in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. A highlight of the week will see discussions between Palestinian students and students from around the world through video messaging.

Faatima Osman, President of The University of Edinburgh’s Students for Justice in Palestine group said they are participating in the week ‘because it is a valuable tool to raise awareness of the plight of Palestinian students.’ Her thoughts were echoed by Sundos Hamad, organiser of the Right to Education campaign at Birzeit university, who said that Right to Education Week shows global solidarity and support.

Notes to Editor:

About the Right to Education Campaign

The Right to Education campaign is a grassroots, Palestinian movement. Founded in 1988 the campaign documents, researches, and raises consciousness about the oppression of Palestinian students, teachers and academic institutions under Israeli military occupation. We work to empower students to claim their human right to education, to overcome the isolation of Palestinian educational institutions and to demand an end to the illegal Israeli occupation.


For information contact:

Callum Harms
Right to Education Campaign International Co-ordinator
Birzeit University
+972 598 747226
Naida Alwadi
Right to Education Campaign International Co-ordinator
Birzeit University
+972 599 387945



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