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Support Hampshire College Divestment!

Written by admin  •  Sunday, 28.02.2010, 18:10

In early February, Students for Justice in Palestine at Hampshire College announced that the college was divesting from a mutual fund that included from five corporations supporting Israel’s military occupation – including Motorola and Caterpillar.

Now, after attacks from Alan Dershowitz and other Zionist activists, Hampshire’s administration has announced that its divestment had nothing to do with the Israeli Occupation but rather with a general socially responsible investment policy. To appease the demands of such activists pressuring the college to prove that the decision was “unrelated to Israel or the occupation,” Hampshire College Board members are considering the possibility of reinvesting in Motorola and Terex Corp. Call on HampshireCollege president, Ralph Hexter, to stand with Hampshire College Students for Justice in Palestine by sending the email below.

At the time of divestment, Motorola did not fail the screen of KLD, the firm hired to filter through the college’s mutual fund, because they did not look at subsidiary companies – which is why Motorola is slipping through the cracks. However, as we all know, Motorola Inc.’s subsidiary Motorola Israel Ltd. is deeply involved in the Israeli occupation as its services are used by both the military and illegal Israeli settlements. Tell HampshireCollege not to reinvest in Israeli apartheid!

In 1977, Hampshire was the first U.S. college to divest from corporations profiting from South African apartheid.  Applaud HampshireCollege for making history and make sure that they continue to lead the way in campus activism for human rights.

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