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Right to Education

The Israeli Army Invaded An-Najah National University

Written by admin  •  Saturday, 14.12.2002, 13:16

“Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.”
— Article 26, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Nablus, Saturday. 14th Dec. 2002 — At around 8:30 AM. Two Israeli tanks stopped in front of the main gate of An-Najah National University on the first working day of the week, thousands of the university students just arrived to the campus after passing the hard agricultural alternative roads in order to avoid the Israeli checkpoints.

Three of the Israeli soldiers invaded the campus for the first time in the past 15 years; they ordered the guards and the employees to evacuate the university in half an hour. Threatening to use force in case their orders won’t be obeyed.

Due to this aggression on the academy process, An-Najah National University announced the suspending of the classes only for this day.

The Administration of An-Najah National University insists on its un-negotiable right of practicing its academic mission without any interference from the Israeli army. It is also condemning this aggression on the freedom of education, which is guaranteed by the international laws.

The administration also calls upon all the international human rights organizations and the international community institutions to move forward in order to put an end to the continuous violations of our academic life and to let our university play its humanitarian civilized role through its scientific mission.

An-Najah National University

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