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Right to Education

The Right to Read Campaign: Reading as Resistance

Written by admin  •  Saturday, 06.06.2009, 16:53

“Education is a right. Yet throughout history, societies have used access to education as a weapon of oppression. We refuse to let Israel blockade our students’ thirst for knowledge. We welcome working with Free Gaza and others to break this siege against our people’s greatest resource.”
Dr. Haidar Eid, professor at Al-Aqsa University

About the Campaign

GirlsstudyingThe Free Gaza movement launched the RIGHT TO READ campaign last June. In partnership with Al-Aqsa University, we set up an account at for people to order books that were destroyed by Israel
during Operation Cast Lead.

To date, we have collected over 100 books in the U.S. and Cyprus, and we are asking again for your support.

This is not a charitable endeavor, but an act of solidarity and resistance to Israel’s chokehold on Gaza as well as their attempt to
deny Palestinians an education. According to UNRWA, Israel’s blockade prevents ink, paper, books, crayons and other learning material into

Our first shipment will go on the cargo ship this spring. We want to take in thousands of books along with at least ten tons of paper,
since Israel refuses even paper to come into the schools.

How you can help

  • BoysstudyingJoin us by contributing one or more books to our shipment.
  • Contact your universities/colleges to see if they want to participate by donating either new or used copies of textbooks.
  • Donate funds through our PayPal account to be used to underwrite the shipping costs
  • Send new or used books to one of the addresses listed below. However, the books need to be on the lists that have been provided.
  • If you are part of an academic institution and are willing to share your e-library with the students of Gaza, please email us .

Sending books

The RIGHT TO READ campaign accepts all new or used books. Universities in Gaza have sent us the lists of what they need. To order books or to see if you might have them already, please check U.S. COMPILED WISH LIST or the U.K. COMPILED WISH LIST.

The list is published in, and you can check the books that are needed by clicking on this link.

You may send books directly to Cyprus or to the Free Gaza collection site nearest you.

Free Gaza Movement
Digenthios and Avgousta Court
Nigrid Street 6018 Apt 203
Larnaca, Cyprus

United States
Free Gaza US Collection Site
PO Box 5772
Rockville, MD 20855

For more information regarding the campaign, please contact:

Dina Kennedy:
Darlene Wallach:

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