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Right to Education

Twinned Universities Birzeit and Edinburgh University take part in video conference for the Right to Education week

Written by admin  •  Thursday, 17.11.2011, 15:05

 Students from Edinburgh Universities Students for Justice in Palestine solidarity group and Birzeit’s Right to Education Campaign met on Monday 14th November for a video conference as part of the campaigns International Right to Education week.

Four students from the Right to Education campaign took part in the conference to explain the difficulties they face in accessing their basic human right, education.

The video conference gave Edinburgh students a rare insight into the lives and hardships the students face under occupation. Giving each group an open floor to ask questions and discuss the work the students groups have being doing recently.

The students both spoke about their continuing working on the Boycott divestment Sanctions movement, and allowed them to discuss the importance of its role. As a platform it also gave students an opportunity to be very frank about life as a student in Palestine.  The participation allowed the students to understand the next move for the campaigns and to find new ways of strengthening and utilizing the twinning of the Universities. This growing relationship between the two Universities is becoming a brilliant way for the campaigns to unite against the occupation.

Group photograph of the volunteers from the Right to Education Campaign
Student volunteers from the Right to Education campaign that took part in the conference.


Setting up for the video conference.

Listening to the students from Edinburgh Universities Students for Justice in Palestine solidarity group.

Students in Edinburgh taking part in the conference.

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