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Right to Education

Birzeit University: student Khattab’s arrest will not deter the university for its role in confronting the occupation



Birzeit University condemns the Israeli occupation’s court’s sentence against a student at the College of Media Arts University Lina Mohamed Atta Khattab (18 years old), the court sentenced Lina with six months imprisonment in addition to a financial fine of six thousand Shekels and six months of imprisonment suspended for three years.

Birzeit University assures in its statement that the right to education is a guaranteed right in international law and international customs, and that the right to education campaign in the university will not keen until it exposes the occupation which markets itself as an oasis for democracy. Birzeit University will address all academic institutions around the world as well as human rights institutions to notify them about the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation and its violations against the right to education which are committed under false excuses.

Birzeit University hereby stresses that the continuation of the Israeli occupations practices against Palestinians in general, and Palestinian students specifically; will  only enhance the international movement in the academic boycott campaign against occupation’s institutions and those practices will not deter Birzeit University’s will in its pioneer role in confronting occupation.

Birzeit University has addressed Khattab’s family and comforted them stating that no injustice prevails and that it is Birzeit students’ predestination as Birzeit bears the name of “The University of Martyrs” and it has held the role of confronting occupation in each and every chance. Birzeit will hereby always expect its imprisoned students to soon rejoin their fellow students in their educational career and to struggle against this occupation until its overpowered and our freedom and independence are procured.

Khattab had been arrested on the 13th of December 2014 during a demonstration organized by Birzeit University students in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli Occupation’s prisons. And Khattab is a member of the Palestinian Folkloric Arts band.

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