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Right to Education

‏On Palestinian Prisoner’s Day 2020, April 17, from all over the world we are raising our voices as one demanding international protection of Palestinian political prisoners and their immediate release!


‏On Palestinian Prisoner’s Day 2020, April 17, from all over the world we are raising our voices as one demanding international protection of Palestinian political prisoners and their immediate release!

‏Cramped together in small, overcrowded prison cells, 5,000 Palestinian prisoners are fearing their lives as covid-19 is spreading all over the world, as well in Palestine and into the Zionist occupation prisons. The prisoners receive poor medical care, if any, and are left without the necessary cleaning and sterilization supplies in order to prevent the spread of disease. This dreadful situation includes 180 minors and 700 people suffering from chronic illness.

‏At the same time, the Zionist forces keep on arresting Palestinians on a daily basis in order to oppress and humiliate the people, thus increasing the risk of a deadly covid-19 outbreak among Palestinians. This medical negligence and refusal to take the required protective measures against the spread of covid-19 highlights the brutal practices and colonial strategies against Palestinians by the zionist state of Israel.

‏Thus, defending Palestinian political prisoners and demanding their immediate release is not only a humanitarian necessity, it is also a political imperative for all concerned with justice in Palestine. Palestinian political prisoners represent the Palestinian resistance and the true leadership of the Palestinian liberation struggle. Their liberation is critical to the victory of the Palestinian people and the freedom of Palestine – from the river to the sea!

‏This demand is sent by activists from Right to Education, Samidoun, Revolutionary Forces and Unity for Palestine together with friends and comrades from all over the world.AE3B4B23-1A69-48D7-AF9E-24EAC5DB9F8D 92696586_2914023805317867_4879171900107915264_n 92711824_2914024468651134_5311215910386663424_n 92824124_2914024865317761_4483215373281263616_n 93121235_2914024208651160_2899171536902553600_n 93179137_2914023835317864_3057967829434236928_n 93220990_2914024895317758_1520584792637177856_n 93233202_2914024618651119_4259867990033432576_n 93244117_2914023991984515_9003299093723742208_n 93253457_2914023911984523_6563367948558270464_n 93254946_2914025008651080_8066349482725343232_n 93280405_2914024661984448_1244958895663742976_n 93281764_2914025295317718_2808515570536808448_n 93303535_2914025478651033_6295809756808347648_n 93303576_2914025095317738_4922926862256046080_n 93305526_2914025521984362_8898525660050358272_n 93323712_2914025628651018_6278984389929992192_n 93359541_2914025378651043_7751842346332848128_n 93374123_2914024535317794_6678892965273796608_n-1 93374123_2914024535317794_6678892965273796608_n 93388675_2914025548651026_6413462869689499648_n 93403991_2914024781984436_1124450488524210176_n 93409571_2914024741984440_7454855103095242752_n 93412175_2914025135317734_582122120494972928_n 93418448_2914024311984483_4017951354336051200_n 93418497_2914024268651154_7320824317841768448_n 93423844_2914024588651122_8652453042198675456_n 93498996_2914024018651179_8854390589001564160_n 93571151_2914025228651058_304531129954729984_n 93662169_2914025198651061_5187843103658082304_n 93695757_2914024128651168_8660288844958007296_n 93780592_2914025035317744_5049591843021389824_n 93826822_2914024091984505_4203852597062270976_n 93849875_2914025438651037_3578092569457852416_n 93990094_2914024351984479_7037015318463512576_n 94021876_2914023638651217_2195684678688571392_n-1 94021876_2914023638651217_2195684678688571392_n 94029075_2914023658651215_8260333454470676480_n 94036077_2914024421984472_4074153913392037888_n

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