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Right to Education

Application to participate in the 2016 Right to Education Tour to USA

Written by Right2Edu BZU  •  Tuesday, 26.01.2016, 16:35

The Right to Education Campaign – Birzeit University is preparing for its second tour to U.S.A this year. The tour is being planned with “National Students for Justice in Palestine” groups (NSJP) on the West Coast of the US. Where a group of students from different Palestinian Universities will have the chance to visit a number of America’s International Universities and have talks and dialogues with students and academics about “The effect of Israeli colonialism on the Right to Education in Palestine”.

If you are Interested in participating in the 2016 Right to Education Tour, and you match the criteria described in the following link please Apply now (Deadline for Applicants is Sunday 31st of January 2016 at 17:00pm).


Please fill this form :

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