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Right to Education

On March 13, 2023, the Right to Education Campaign at Birzeit University held a conference titled “Students’ Struggle in and for Palestine: Reality and Future Prospects” in partnership with the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, to launch the 2023 Israeli Apartheid Week.

The conference gathered students from the occupied territories, the West Bank, Gaza and the diaspora to explore the role of student movements in overcoming Israeli practices and directives that isolate Palestinian communities.

In the first session, the speakers presented papers on the experience of students involved in boycott campaigns as well as the challenges they encountered while organizing for Palestine. They also explored how unions in academic institutions have led national work through organizing boycott and anti-normalization campaigns. In the second session, speakers from India, the U.K. and Argentina discussed their experiences as members of student and youth movements and unions supporting Palestine.

The events of the Israeli Apartheid Week will take place in 300 cities until March 27. It is a tool to mobilize grassroots support on the global level for the Palestinian struggle for justice. It aims to raise awareness of Israeli apartheid, solidify support for strategic BDS campaigns and strengthen the Palestinian anti-apartheid movement.

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