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Right to Education

Right to Education Campaign Welcomes International Youth Camp


The Right to Education Campaign at Birzeit University hosted on November 28, 2016, the first International Youth Camp, organized by the Higher Council for Youth and Sports and in cooperation with the Camden-Abu Dis Association.

More than 160 youths from 25 different countries gathered at the university, and learned about the university’s history, journey and the challenges and obstacles facing higher education and Palestinians in general.

Vice President of Academic Affairs, Henry Giacaman, underscored the university’s belief in the importance of youth as an investment for the future. He pointed out the wide range of programs that the university offers to encourage student innovation, creativity and the value of voluntarism. He added that the university works extensively with its peers from the academic community and the private and public sector to help prepare students to respond successfully to the challenges of Palestinian society and the global economy in general.

The Public Relations office gave a brief about the university’s history and educational journey, and the Coordinator of the Right to Education Campaign, Sundos Hammad, spoke about the main challenges facing the higher education sector in Palestine due to the Israeli occupation and its constant violations.

Director of the Palestine and Arab Studies Program (PAS), Tina Rafidi, briefed the audience about the purposes of the program and its benefits for foreigners. She encouraged them to apply to learn the Arabic language and experience Palestinian history and culture.

Representing the Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission, Qasem Awwad talked about Israeli aggression against Palestinians, their lands and properties. He addressed the role of the apartheid wall and settlement and colonization expansion in hindering the process of building an independent Palestinian state.

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