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Right to Education

Support Palestinian educational institutions!

Written by admin  •  Friday, 02.04.2004, 15:36

Campaign Activity, Birzeit University, 2 April 2004

Sign a statement from your group or organization in support of Palestinian educational institutions and defending Palestinians’ universal right to education from military obstruction and attack. Send your letters and statements to your national representatives, international institutions and the Israeli Authorities as well as to your local press and national media. Remember to copy us in so we can publish your activities on the Right to Education website. Here is a list of suggested recipients for your campaign statements. For more ideas on how to support the Right to Education Campaign see Support Us and Campaign Activities.

Government representatives in your country:
President or Prime Minister’s Office
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Education

Israeli Embassy in your country

Teachers unions and other educational organizations in your country

Israeli Government Ministries:
Mr Shaol Mofaz, Israeli Minister of Defense at
Ms Limor Livnat, Israeli Minister of Education at
Mr Silvan Shalom, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs at
Mr Ariel Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister at

International representatives:
H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary General United Nations
Fax: + 212 963 – 2155

Mr. Terje Rod Larsen, Personal Representative of the Secretary General to the United Nations in Palestine
Tel: + 972 8 282 2914 Fax: + 972 8 282 0966

Mr. Bertie Ahern, President, European Union

Mr. Marc Otte, Ambassador, EU Special Envoy to the Middle East Peace Process

Mr. Koichiro Matsuura Director General, UNESCO
7 Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07SP
Fax: + 33 1 45 6 7 16 90

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